Aug 27, 20174 min read
You're not like other Asians...
Read my blog on how I developed ethnic identity hangups as a Chinese New Zealander.
Jul 26, 20178 min read
Finding the dragon within
Reflecting on my own journey with ethnic identity, and how returning to China really helped me find my place in the world.
Sep 18, 20163 min read
The lump in my breast was the size of a golf ball
We had found the lump...only three weeks ago...initial tests came back clear. Now.. It had changed. Bigger, irregular. I scanned my GP's...
Mar 6, 20164 min read
Postnatal depression: had it but didn't know it
Postnatal depression (PND) is much more common than people think, people just need to talk more about it and the importance of mental health
Nov 2, 20153 min read
This one is for the daddies
I'm going to be's been tough on our marriage. When you are sleep deprived, you just seem to lose all your patience and...
Sep 17, 20152 min read
He stopped sleeping through...two months ago
My son slept through the night at twelve weeks and at four months, he stopped. For a while, I was an undercover parent, ashamed to admit...
May 18, 20153 min read
Sorry...there is no rulebook
No-one ever tells you about the challenges you may/may not face as a parent. Here's my take about becoming a first time mother.
Mar 10, 20154 min read
Are you ever ready to have a baby?
I don't think you're ever ready for this level of responsibility. We have a baby due any day now. Here's a few thoughts from our journey as